Test your safety knowledge with this FREE evaluation

Safety standards are always evolving and improving:
Workplaces across Canada need to keep up with what’s new in the world of safety as tools and technology evolve and new legislation comes into place.
Online training is a great option for providing your team with up-to-date information that keeps them aware and keeps them safe.
Levitt-Safety offers hundreds of online training courses.
If you don't know where to get started, that's ok.
One of our favourite (and completely free) courses is a Safety Knowledge Evaluation. It's a 10-part quiz to test your knowledge on a number of critical safety subjects.
You can see which areas in which your team is confident and which your team needs extra help.
Test your knowledge on these 10 topics:
WHMIS 2015
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of Canada’s new hazard classification system, WHMIS 2015, and its hazard classes, categories, pictograms, labels, safety data sheets, and responsibilities.
Transportation of dangerous goods (TDG):
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Act and its standards for the movement of harmful materials and chemicals within Canada.
Fall protection:
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of fall protection, working at heights, fall hazards, and how to protect yourself from serious injury or death resulting from a fall.
Confined space entry and monitor:
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of confined and restricted spaces, their associated hazards and controls, and tending worker duties as they pertain to the monitoring of personnel working in the confined space.
Hazard identification, assessment and control:
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of how you can prevent injuries and illness in the workplace through hazard identification, assessment, and control.
First aid:
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of general first aid requirements and the appropriate response to various injuries and medical emergencies.
Fire fighting and fire extinguisher safety:
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of fire safety, including how to fight a small fire and proper fire extinguisher use.
Defensive driving:
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of defensive and safe driving practices, including the six components of the SAFER System of Defensive Driving: Space, Attitude, Foresight, Eyesight, and Responsibility.
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S):
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of the procedures and equipment necessary to work safely near or with hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
Ground disturbance for supervisors 201:
This exam chapter will test your knowledge of ground disturbance, including ground disturbance terminology, legislation, regulations, permits, agreements, facilities, and the responsibilities of the various parties involved.
Once you completed the test:
You'll have 45 minutes to answer all 80 questions.
After completing this free Safety Knowledge Evaluation, you will be sent an email summarizing the results by chapter and offering suggestions for additional training.
Find out which subjects you’re a whiz at and which you might need some brushing up on.
Try it by yourself or share it with your team to identify your strengths and weaknesses.