Addressing the Need for Women-Specific PPE: Ensuring Safety and Inclusivity

As a trusted Canadian health and safety distribution and service company, Levitt-Safety prioritizes the well-being and safety of all workers. In our previous blog PPE for Women: Real Solutions to keep all workers safe, we highlighted the CSA report on women’s personal protective equipment (PPE) and featured vendors leading the way in offering PPE specific for women.
Today we want to highlight what has happened in Ontario and British Columbia as it relates to legislation and best practice provincial guidelines.
Recent Legislation Changes in Ontario: In Ontario, construction apprenticeship for women has increased by 28% in the past year. *
In March 2023, the Ontario government announced several changes to the Construction Projects Regulation under the Occupational Health & Safety Act. This is now in effect since July 1st, 2023. Under O.Reg.61/23, section 21 has been amended by adding the following:
(4) Personal protective clothing and equipment that is provided, worn, or used shall be a proper fit, having regard for all relevant factors including body types.

Properly fitting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for women in trades is imperative for safety.
The Ontario government has recently introduced legislation that will support women in the trades by requiring all sectors to properly fit personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE) for women. This measure will undoubtedly help transform industries by encouraging more women to join and help grow Ontario’s trade workforce.
Read more details on the Ontario government website.
WorkSafe BC released a guideline in March 2023 to ensure the proper fit of PPE for all workers regardless of gender.
“The issue of ill-fitting PPE is particularly pronounced for women in traditionally male-dominated industries, such as construction, mining, and firefighting. Many women have reported experiencing discomfort, reduced mobility, and compromised safety due to PPE that is designed primarily for men.”*
Reminding employers about WorkSafeBC's OHS Guideline Part 8 outlines that PPE must be designed, selected, and used appropriately for all.
“We recognize that the differences in body shape and size between men and women can make it challenging to find PPE that fits properly,” said Suzana Prpic, Senior Manager of Prevention Field Services at WorkSafeBC. “We want to make sure that all workers are protected and comfortable while on the job, and that means ensuring that PPE is designed and fitted to accommodate a wide range of body types.” *
Impact and Benefits:
These recent changes in regulations and guidelines are expected to have a positive impact on worker safety, particularly for women entering male-dominated industries such as mining and construction. Women will now have access to PPE that fits properly, addressing their unique needs and ensuring their safety and comfort on the job.
Women in Safety: Leading the Charge for Inclusive Protection
Women in safety are making incredible strides as leaders and advocates for essential changes in the industry—starting with personal protective equipment (PPE).
For years, women in various fields have been forced to wear ill-fitting PPE designed for men, which can reduce mobility, lead to discomfort and compromise safety. Today, the importance of women's PPE is finally gaining the recognition it deserves.
Tailored PPE solutions ensure female workers can perform their duties safely and comfortably, empowering them to excel in their roles. Women-specific designs are closing the gap in protection and performance.
After connecting with Kalynn Verrier from Cenovus, who proudly wears IFR Women’s PPE, I’m excited to share her insights on this positive shift.
Which industry do you work in? What is your professional background?
I work in the oil & gas industry. My professional background is in occupational health & safety.
What challenges have you encountered in the past when searching for PPE?
I am 5’2” so some of the challenges that I face are the length of pants are always too long, unisex sizes are still tailored to fit men, the crotch on coveralls is always way too long, and the buttons on button-up shirts never do up unless you order two sizes bigger than you need to. Gloves also never fit, or they don’t stock the size I need (typically just M, L, XL). On the bright side, I usually end up with the leftover smalls when we order swag—so that’s a win for me!
These pieces are great because they fit, and the sizes are more accurate. The sleeve length is awesome, and it feels like great-quality while working in FR clothing. I feel professional and no longer have to worry about wearing clothes that are too big or don’t fit right.
What tips/tricks do you have for other women working in safety?
I have two tips that have stuck with me throughout my career in safety and in a male-dominated industry. The first is: if you don’t know, ask. My dad has always told me this since I was young, and it has inspired my questioning attitude and professional curiosity, allowing for much of my growth in this industry. This also ties into asking for proper PPE as a woman in the workplace. There are way more options out there than we think, and it’s important to make sure you ask questions. The second tip is: “If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing.” A manager I worked for told me this, and it has stuck with me ever since. As I grow and develop my health and safety career, I think about this saying a lot. There are things I don’t know much about, or new tasks that make me uncomfortable, but I’ve learned to persevere and grow outside of my comfort zone.
Levitt-Safety’s Expanded Offering:
At Levitt-Safety, we are proud to be leading the charge by offering a wide selection of women-specific PPE and expert guidance to help you develop a comprehensive program. Visit our product page that showcases flame-resistant apparel, high-visibility apparel, gloves, boots and more. Join us in creating safer and more inclusive workplaces for everyone.
Explore our full range of women’s PPE, shop now. If you don’t see what you’re looking for or need help developing a women’s-specific PPE program for your workplace, please contact us today.
Sources: *The Ontario government plans to require women-only bathrooms on large construction sites, as reported by Amy Simon from Global News (March 15, 2023)
Are you ready to invest in your team’s safety?
Would you like some help assessing the PPE needs of your business? Are you looking to invest in Women’s PPE, but don’t know where to start? Levitt-Safety has been advising and supplying companies with safety clothing for over 85 years.
Let us help you develop a PPE program to keep your team safe.
Speak with a safety specialist