SCBA Service

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A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) provides life-saving respiratory protection in harsh conditions. We provide mobile and shop service for all your SCBA repair, maintenance and inspection needs.

Our ISO 9001-certified facilities and factory-trained and certified technicians have practical knowledge from years of experience in meeting the needs of first and industrial SCBA users.

Proper preventative maintenance can go a long way to ensuring your equipment continues to perform at its optimal level.

Annually/Every Two Years (Manufacturer Dependent)

  • Flow test all open-circuit SCBAs
  • Visual inspections for all components.
  • Replace breathing air.

Every Three Years

  • Fibreglass or Kevlar® full wrapped and hoop wrapped cylinder hydrostatic testing.

Every Five Years

  • Steel, aluminum and carbon fibre cylinder hydrostatic testing.

Our service technicians are trained and authorized to service breathing air equipment from industry-leading manufacturers like Scott, MSA, and Survivair (Honeywell) and ensure compliance with CSA and NFPA guidelines.