WES3 Emergency Evacuation Systems
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Protect people and property with WES3
Early detection is the key to protecting your staff, business and the greater community. Air horns and fire extinguishers may not be enough to mitigate a fire before it gets out of control.
WES3 is an enhanced wireless evacuation and medical alert system that provides 24/7 fire detection capabilities even on unoccupied sites. WES3 provides fast, secure and straightforward communication and it improves response time for evacuations and medical emergencies.
You can set WES3 up in seconds, once each device is paired, it is ready to be distributed throughout the building.
You can pair WES3 with the REACT monitoring phone app. This lets you receive real-time information about site emergencies. Mapping capabilities show you the source of the emergency on location. REACT is capable of system check-ins, GPS location tracking and lone worker features. REACT lets your phone becomes a powerful safety tool.
Meet the WES3 family
WES3 has several units for optimum protection. Each unit comes with a three-year battery-powered sensor. All units link into a mesh radio network to communicate with each other.

Connect and Base Station
Identifies the location of an activated unit for quicker response times.

Dust-Resistant Smoke Sensor
Detects early signs of fire. Isolates smoke in dusty environments to reduce false alarms.

Heat Sensor
Identifies dramatic increases in temperature and automatically activates an alarm.

Call Point
Enables manual trigger of site-wide alarm for evacuations or medical alerts.

Interface Unit
Connects WES3 to other systems onsite. For instance, the interface unit can be programmed to deactivate turnstiles, putting them in free spin to speed up evacuations.

Link Unit
Boosts the range of a WES3 system on large, complicated or high-density sites.

Water Detection Unit
When water comes into contact with the detection cable or tape, the sensor immediately activates the WES3 Water Interface unit and transmits water presence data to the WES Connect Control unit and REACT cloud-based platform.
WES3 highlights our customers rave about:
Improve fire and emergency response:
Real-time alert notifications for fire and medical emergencies.
Medical and evacuation alarm:
Raise an alert from any point in the network to the CONNECT control unit.
Optional inspection delay:
Site manager can determine false alarms and organize fire drills.
Easily connects to existing systems:
Turnstile gate entry systems, door release systems and monitoring equipment/systems.
Full isolation system test mode:
Test individual alarm points without triggering the entire system.
Pre-alarm functions:
Create lower-level alerts to issue warnings without triggering a full evacuation.
Simple self-install system:
No wires or cords to install. Place units according to the site’s unique needs.
Built strong:
Full two-year manufacturer warranty and a three-year battery life under normal conditions and usage.