Specialty Products


The best products in the industry, backed by decades of knowledge and expertise.

Separately or bundled, our product offering meets the needs of organizations of all sizes who have a strong desire to operate more safely and efficiently. Take a look through our top product categories. If you don’t see what you need, just get in touch and we’ll work with you to find the perfect safety solution for your organization.


What are you looking for today?

For more than 80 years, your organization's safety has been our number one concern. 

We’ve always maintained a simple, yet unique approach to the marketplace: bringing our customers the best products in the industry backed by decades of knowledge and expertise. 

At Levitt-Safety, we speak your language. From anchorage connectors to Z462, when you talk to us, you’ll talk to people who know the health and safety industry and take the time to understand your needs. 

Our team takes pride in their knowledge and their relationships with our suppliers.