Hearing Protection Fit Test

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What is a hearing protection fit test?

Devices used to measure how well hearing protectors fit a wearer are finding their place in workplace health and safety programs.

These devices are commonly referred to as field attenuation estimation systems or FAES for short. They provide a measurement for the real attenuation provided to a user wearing a hearing protector like an ear plug or earmuff.

FAES will determine a personal attenuation rating (PAR) specific to the wearer and the make/model/size of hearing protector.

This rating often differs from the noise reduction rating (NRR) for a given hearing protection device (HPD). The PAR can then be used to determine if the hearing protector provides adequate protection for the user.

FAES are valuable additions to any hearing loss prevention program as they help wearers understand the importance of proper selection, use and care of their hearing protector. FAES can be used to show how choosing the right shape and size of earplug along with proper insertion technique can affect the level of protection.

We offer FAES options from Honeywell, 3M & HexArmor.


Honeywell™ VeriPRO™ Fit Testing System

3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System

HexArmor™ Xact-Fit™ Hearing Protection Fit-Test System


Any brand

3M brand products

Any brand

Style of hearing


Earplugs and earmuffs


Includes software




3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System

3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System


3M E-A-Rfit offers a complete solution for hearing protection fit testing. It lets users fit test dual-ear and earmuffs with a user-friendly interface.

Individual fit testing using F-MIRE

Using field microphone-in-real-ear (F-MIRE) technology, E-A-Rfit generates a personal attenuation rating (PAR) in under 5 seconds for both ears. The test takes seven standard measured testing frequencies into account.

Fit testing in three steps:

  1. Fit: Have the employee insert their earplugs or put on their earmuffs.
  2. Test: Connect to microphones and begin speaker test sound.
  3. Assess: Use PAR to customize hearing protector selection.

Features and benefits

  • Tests both ears simultaneously in under 5 seconds.
  • Earplug and earmuff testing capability.
  • Fast and easy way to find an employee’s personal attenuation rating (PAR).
  • Tests for seven frequencies from 125Hz to 8000Hz.
  • Science-based quantitative testing.

Xact-Fit™ Hearing Protection Fit-Test System

Xact-Fit™ by HexArmor® is an efficient fit-testing system that helps you understand exactly how much protection you're receiving from your Hearing Protection Device, regardless of brand or model. The Xact-Fit™ system by HexArmor® uses the Real Ear Attenuation at Threshold (REAT) testing method to provide accurate and reliable measurements of hearing protection effectiveness.

Features and benefits:

  • Conduct testing with cordless Bluetooth headphones and tablet.
  • Easy-to-use software for automatic upload of information and test results.
  • Comprehensive report of the test to help users choose the best earplug for their needs.
  • Cloud storage for easy access to files on multiple devices.
  • For use in conjunction with Hearing Loss Prevention Program.


Contact one of our Safety Specialists to order.